Wednesday, August 24, 2011

University Work - Updated

Here is a short update with my current work at the University of Calgary Software Engineering Department:

My just finished sub-project that will contribute to the main tool mentioned in an earlier post, is to make a tool that will allow a user to enter in a revision number, to calculate analytical data.  The tool first uses the revision number to find out what changed during the commit that corresponds to the revision number.  It then scans the SVN repository and figures out what branches have received the changes from that commit, and when.  It also determines which files from the commit were merged and which weren't, this is to handle cases where there is a partial merge, and to calculate the percentage of the commit that was merged.

Once this data has been determined, it is printed out to the screen in an easy to interpret, human readable form.  At a later date this tool will be expanded upon to output data in a way that will allow it be utilized int a GUI.  The GUI will be used to visualize the timeline for changes in a commit being integrated into other branches in the repository, among many other things.

Adam Kromm

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